Support Fowler
Our Practice & Core Values
Our Mission is to provide dental care to those in need with a focus on the uninsured and those with limited access to oral health services.
Our vision is to create a quality, comprehensive community-based dental home that reduces barriers to care throughout the region, thereby improving the health of our friends and neighbors.

Fowler Dental Clinic is Supported by our Generous Sponsors!
Without your support, we cannot provide the vital dentistry to our community. Big or small, every contribution makes a smile!
We provide dental support to kids and family members from our local schools. Without our service many of our patients would never be able to get the basic oral care they desperatly need.
Every donation brings a smile, whether financial or other. Connect with us to see how you can help or make a monitary dontation today.
Become a Financial Sponsor Today!
Perfer to donate by check?
Please make checks payable to:
Fowler Memorial Dental Clinic
and mail to:
Fowler Memorial Dental Clinic
411 22nd Avenue
Monroe, WI 53566
Our Generous Sponsors!
Aguilar, Kendra
Anderson, Dr. Eric and Susan
Baker, Carol
Bank of New Glarus Employees
Barrett, Paul and Sue
Bernet, Bobbie and Hans
Carter and Eckdhal Family Dentistry
Cates, Robert C.
Cave of the Mounds
Chick -Fil- A West Towne
Circle M Farms
Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin
Curran-Meuli, Jane
Discovery World Milwaukee
Ditter, Cindy
Dr. George Breadon c/o Eoin Breadon
Duxstad, Bob and Jenny
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Guggemos, Cynthia
Hardacre, Chelsea
Hossman, Ellen
Inner Fire Yoga
Jung’s Seed Company
Kubly Muranyi, Shelley
Knuteson, Dr. Lee and Chris
Lake Geneva Ziplines & Adventures
Law Offices of Kittlesen, Barry Wellington & Thompson
Lands’ End
Lenzlinger, Hans
Luedeking, Martha
Macnack, Robert
Marion, Kriss
Milwaukee Admirals
Monahan, Jane and Kevin
Monroe Kiwanis
Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winer
Reffue, Bob and Kathy
Rote, Richard
Sanders, Mike and Norah
Spielman, Ron and Jennifer
Sybers, Jane and John Meyer
The Rock Snowpark
Thomas, Roy and Karen
Thompson, Deb
Thomson, Gof & Mary
United Way of Green County
Warden, Roann and Scott
Wellington, Chuck and Chris
Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation
Wedel, Greg and Marla
Wisconsin Distributors
Woodford State Bank Employees